Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tis the season ..

It seems to me that every Christmas is the same. The same questions pop up, the same food is eaten and the same people are there.

This year, it's the same but very different. At first, I thought that work would dominate my holiday season and so far it's not been that way, which has been nice. I have several more days off than I usually do but it's almost made things worse. I have more time now to see the people I want to see but also feel obligated to see the one's I'm supposed to see.

Plus, there aren't even any cute babies in my family to play with.
Merry Christmas Pictures, Images and Photos

I'm getting to the point where I want to do my own Christmas and if people want to come see me, come on over! This holiday was based on joy, life and minimal gifts. It is a Christian holiday and celebrating it seems empty unless you are a strong Christian, which I am not.

Do I love seeing my family? Generally
Do I love receiving gifts? Yes
Do I love buying gifts for other people? Absolutely
Do I love all the questions I'm asked year and year again? Not particularly

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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